Artist in the Spotlight: Jamie Fletcher

By September 24, 2014

Music. Leeds.

[Image: We Can Be Heroes, by Sometimes We PLaY © Jamie Fletcher]


There are many hidden creative gems working amongst the Leeds Art Scene. ‘Artist in the Spotlight’ is TSOTA’s attempt to shine a light on some of them. You may or may not have come across them directly, but here at TSOTA we hope to gather them together and give you their lives in 100 or so words. You can then decide if you want to know more…

This week’s Artist in the Spotlight is: Jamie Fletcher

Location: Leeds

Currently working with/on: Sometimes We PLaY, The Dancing Bear Trilogy

Likely to be found: hanging out with friends & family perhaps enjoying a cocktail or two…

Likely not to be found: watching X-Factor

In a nutshell? A woman with many artistic strings to her bow. Director, Singer and Multi-Instrumentalist, Jamie has created many shows and projects for both theatre and public spaces.


For over half a decade, Jamie was part of the core Artistic Direction team for Pointed Arrow Performance, a Leeds-based Art Group that explore people, performance and journey. In 2009, Jamie and Pointed Arrow created a project that saw them push a giant Land Boat through cities, villages and Yorkshire countryside on a 105 mile, 22 day journey to explore the values of the Yorkshire region. The journey was created into ‘The Yorkshire Onland Boating Club’, a documentary produced and launched in 2011.


Jamie can now be found getting heavily involved in the UK theatre scene working both individually and collaboratively with a variety of organisations. Jamie is co-Artistic Director of Sometimes We PLaY (she founded the company with Dick Bonham back in 2008); a company that creates multi-disciplinary contemporary performances and sound installations for different audiences in theatre and public spaces.

Led by the duo, Sometimes We PLaY has toured all over the UK performing in abandoned shops, train stations, city streets, parks and festivals, as well as receiving commissions and residences from some of the UK’s most innovative arts centres and theatre venues.

Jamie’s work as a Composer, Sound Designer and Musical Director keeps her busy with a range of bands, artists and shows most recently including How To Occupy An Oil Rig (by Daniel Bye), Mermaids (Yorkshire Life Aquatic) and Dirty Old River (by Leonie Higgins). Her musical interests often feed their way into creative projects produced by Sometimes We PLaY, including The Sound Archive Project and the latest show We Can Be Heroes touring in 2015; a coming of age story about facing your fears and becoming a superhero, featuring original live music.

Along the way, Jamie has received support, residencies and commissions from some of the most prestigious arts centres including The Arches (Glasgow) and BAC, Battersea Arts Centre (London) to allow her creative ideas to come to life.

As a musical performer, Jamie has made appearances in Europe and England and in spare moments, Jamie and her band (The Jamie Fletcher Band) host secret gigs and intimate performance in unique locations across England.

In the community…In excess of the afore-mentioned work in theatre and music, Jamie also finds time to run classes and workshops in music and drama in and around Leeds, including work as a Theatre Director and Musical Director with West Yorkshire Playhouse Youth Theatre, City Varieties Youth Theatre Company, Harrogate Youth Theatre and Stagecoach Theatre Arts Schools. There is no doubt that Jamie Fletcher is someone who does a lot for her community, encouraging the new generation of budding actors by giving them a unique and positive start. Other places that have benefitted from Jamie’s expertise Include Leeds University, Leeds General Infirmary’s Hospital & Home Teaching Service, Wakefield Cathedral Education Centre and The Refugee Council.

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The Dancing Bear Trilogy © Jamie Fletcher



The Dancing Bear Trilogy – a series of collaborative and experimental films aiming to engage audiences in conversation and discussion surrounding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues.

Visit or follow on Twitter @jamie_fletcher for more of Jamie’s work or browse the sites below to find out more about her specific projects.

Amanda Lynsdale



