Artonomy’s Debut Exhibition


On the 3rd of June there was definitely an electric buzz within The Belgrave Music Hall and Canteen. If you weren’t there, you missed out! Artonomy, an exhibition organised by a group of inspiring History of Art students, was an all day and evening event that hosted a range of breadth and talent artistically and musically. There was a fantastic elective mix of art, showcasing photography, fine art, and live painting which allowed upcoming and talented young artists to have an opportunity to sell and expose their work. Aside the exhibition there was a wonderfully diverse line up of music from hip hop to reggae by performers such as The Herbivores and Tudor Lion. Dj’s continued through the evening, providing an energetic party buzz into the night.

The aim of the exhibition was to show art as its craft and move away from contextual art. The result was a colourful map, pinning the variety of forms that art can travel to. Each artist provided a different destination of form from spray painting, to embroidery. Though these young artists were in the early stages of their art career, the exhibition provided the opportunity to taste what the new generation of artists could be. It definitely exposed some promising talent; in particular a favourite was Iona Hutley’s bright and exciting 28”x28” piece ‘Untitled’ (see below).


artonomy example painting


On top of the collective artworks and vibrant music, the exhibition was in aid of raising money for the charity Freedom For Torture, which uses art as a method of recovery for those who have been suffering from traumatic experiences. Artonomy had raised an overwhelming amount for a free entry exhibition, and a deserved thank you is owed to the group and founders, Camilla Mason, Johnny Brockbank and Magdalena Moursy.

The exhibition as a whole was a wonderful event with a fantastic turn out; displaying the young talent in Leeds had to offer. It was unmistakably a debut exhibition with new artists and a new group, but definitely showed promise as an opportune platform for an alternative night of music and art. I will be personally looking forward to what Artonomy are planning in the future and hope to see more events like this one to offer a more creative night out in Leeds.

Check out our interview with the group under Features on the site.

Also check out Artonomy’s page on facebook for more information.

Jasmin Vincent

Filed under: Art & Photography, Music

