Call out for creative film makers | ‘My Leeds’

By September 5, 2014

Film, TV & Tech. Leeds.

Hyde Park © Kyle Szikora | | @isitkyle


The State of the Arts are running an exciting new project entitled ‘My Leeds’.

We’re inviting the imaginative folk of Leeds to create a short film to be uploaded as part of a monthly feature on the site via our YouTube Channel.

You’ll be pleased to know there are very few criteria with this project – make of it what you will!

– Must be based on the theme ‘My Leeds’
– Can be between 3 and 5 minutes in length
– Must be emailed/transferred to us in Mp4 format.

We hope that this project will give us all an insight into what Leeds means to you, whether you’re Leeds born and bred or you’ve just arrived here as a student, whether you’re 20 or 80 years old. Whatever your story, we’d love you to get involved in the form of a short documentary… a silent film… a musical… an animation… let your imagination run wild. 

‘My Leeds’ aims open our eyes to the city from a different perspective…


Please direct all submissions & enquiries to

[email protected]


Filed under: Film, TV & Tech

