Source: Darren Emerson
Darren Emerson is a VR artist who’s been working with the medium for years, building artworks that are part-film, part-documentary, part-interactive game, and very much original for their use of virtual reality technology.
In 2021, Darren and his company East City Films produced ‘In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats’, a piece exploring Coventry’s acid house rave scene of the 1980’s, as part of their City of Culture bid. You can read our review of the piece here, which showed at FACT Liverpool in 2023.
Darren recently joined TSOTA to discuss the piece and virtual reality art in general, with a conversation touching on the state of VR today, the scale of work required to make art with it, and the potential of VR to express things other art forms may not.
Listen back via the player below or head to our Apple Podcasts page! Follow this link for the conversation transcript.
Head to the East City Films site and sign up to their mailing list to find out when ‘In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats’ is touring near you, and stay up to date on new projects from Darren Emerson and his team.

Filed under: Podcast, TSOTA Podcast
Tagged with: acid house, art, Darren Emerson, exhibition, FACT Liverpool, music, rave, virtual event, VR, VR art