Fiction addiction: Free online writers group seeks new members
March 21, 2016

Photo credit: Christian Gonzalez
Writing can be a solitary business and sometimes it can be hard to find people who understand to provide help and encouragement along the way.
That’s why Yorkshire based writer Sharon Boothroyd set up Fiction Addiction, a writers group with a difference.
Fiction Addiction is a purely internet-based group for writers interested in writing for the women’s magazine market. It’s ideal for writers with families or busy lives who would find attendance at a conventional writing group impossible. It also allows a broader membership as people can join from wherever they are (I am led to believe the internet has reached even as far as Lancashire now).
Sharon has had many items published in magazines over the years and would like to hear from any prospective new members to join the group.
You can contact Sharon at [email protected]. Or check out her website for more info: