Shipley Writers’ Circle Launches New Project

YA-logoShipley Writers’ Circle is looking for new members to take part in a new project for 2016, “Either way, we want you to be happy.”

Shipley Writers’ Circle holds regular workshops and meetings at the Saltaire Canteen, with the first project meeting being held on Monday 22 February 2016.

Members of the group will create a series of monologues/short stories capturing moments in the lives of the customers and volunteers at the café. These pieces of writing will then be reviewed and workshopped by other group members before being published on the Shipley Writers’ Circle website.

Having seen the “Either way, we want you to be happy” message on a poster in the Saltaire Canteen, the group decided this would be a great theme to centre all short stories around. The aim of the project is to bring writers together and focus on a collaborative project, whilst also raising awareness of venues that try to reduce food waste and poverty.

“Either way, we want you to be happy” will collaborate with the Freedom Writers Group’s “Alice’s Adventures in Armley” project as both groups are linked with pay as you feel cafés that serve food which is intercepted and used before it is thrown away.

Shipley Writers’ Circle is encouraging local people to join the project. From brand new writers to seasoned authors, the group is welcoming writers of every style, genre, age and background to join in. Project meetings and workshops will be held once every two months, though members will also have the opportunity to take part in various other workshops and events held by the group. All Shipley Writers’ Circle events are free to attend.

To get in touch, email [email protected] or visit the website at For more information about the Saltaire Canteen, visit:

