
Statement – to all friends of The State of the Arts

Dear friends of TSOTA,

These are truly strange and challenging times. Firstly, we hope all our
collaborators and readers are healthy and safe, wherever they are in the
world. We are all coming to terms with extreme changes to our ways of
life, so we hope your wellbeing stays in the best shape possible to
help you through.

We also hope that everyone we’re proud to have worked with has not been
too greatly disrupted by what’s going on. The arts and culture industry
plays a vital role in a happy, successful society, however in times like
these it can be hit the hardest. Many creatives, venues, performers and
arts companies will be affected by current events. We hope your
businesses, projects and plans continue to flourish in the future once
the national situation has improved.

TSOTA exists to support art and culture in our communities. Behind that
art and culture are hard-working, forward-thinking people – they’re the
ones we ultimately want to support and that make the North such an
exciting part of the world.

Although the content here will no doubt be different for a while, our site will
operate as normal. More than ever we want to help our friends in the
arts and culture world, giving you space to express yourself and offer
insight, should you wish to offer it.

If isolation has given you ideas, we will be here to help you
get them out into the world.

We will continue to provide a platform and a voice for those with
opinions or experiences to share.
We encourage you to contact us if
current circumstances have inspired
you in some way – God knows our
timelines could do with a change of topic!

Thank you for all the time you have spent working with TSOTA already –
please stay in touch and work with us further if it is feasible in the
coming weeks.

Best wishes,

Jack, Will and Maja

