Preview: The Book of Darkness & Light comes to Leeds

By November 30, 2015


Image courtesy of The Book of Darkness & Light team

Image courtesy of The Book of Darkness & Light team

Writer Adam Z. Robinson and musician Ben Styles are bringing The Book of Darkness & Light, a new storytelling experience, to Leeds’ Hyde Park Book Club.

The Book of Darkness & Light uses a combination of storytelling and live, enhanced violin music to create a unique, charming and thrilling performance. On Sunday 6th December the performance, entitled Ghost Stories for Christmas, will include a trio of gothic tales with a festive flavour.

The performances are based around a central, fictional conceit:

“Legend has it that years ago, somewhere beneath the streets of Leeds, a book of strange and haunting tales was found…”

Gothic tales are shared from the book at each telling, with the stories drawing upon the ghost story genre with a chilling and haunting score to match.

Originally conceived as a project for Light Night Leeds 2015, where Adam & Ben performed to over 1,500 people, The Book of Darkness & Light: The Crimson Corridor has subsequently been performed as part of Lawrence Batley Theatre’s Hallowe’en Happening.

There will be two performances at Hyde Park Book Club on Sunday 6th December at 5.30pm and 8pm. Though this is a ticketed event, there is free entry so attendees can pay what they decide on the night. To book a ticket, visit:

